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Panasonic nanoeX Air Purification

Panasonic nanoeX Air Purification

Hydroxyl radicals are unstable molecules looking to react with other elements like hydrogen, capturing it. Thanks to this reaction, Hydroxyl radicals inhibit the growth of pollutants such as acteria, viruses, moulds, and odours, breaking them down and neutralising the unpleasant effects. This naturally occurring process has major benefits to improve indoor environments. Panasonic’s nanoe™ X Technology takes this a step further and brings nature’s detergent – Hydroxyl radicals – indoors to help create an ideal environment. By creating Hydroxyl radicals enveloped by water, nanoe™ X Technology significantly boosts their effectiveness, increasing Hydroxyl radicals lifetime from less than a second in nature, to more than 600 seconds – 10 minutes. For more information visit https://www.panasonic.com/au/nanoe.html